Note: Our September newsletter was originally scheduled to go out on the morning Helene arrived in Appalachia. Since then, our Network has worked tirelessly to respond, and collaborate on the ways philanthropy can have the greatest impact in the immediate, medium, and long-term. For now, here is a brief update on what has happened so far, and as we collectively look toward what comes next, taking those steps together. |
Every Friday at 10 AM, we are holding a standing call with funders in and trusted partners adjacent to our network so that we can better understand needs in impacted communities, continue the response, and exchange knowledge with members who have, unfortunately, weathered previous disasters. To join these calls, please register using the link below. |
Steering Committee Nominations Opening Soon
Nominations for AFN's steering committee will soon be opening! If you have someone you’d like to nominate or would like to self-nominate, please look out for the nomination form to hit your inbox in October. Financial and Nominations Committee Openings
There are openings on AFN’s Nominations and Finance Committees! If you are part of a member organization and interested in joining one of these committees or would like more information, please reach out to Jessica Miles, Membership and Grants Administrator. |
New Member Orientation on October 17 |
AFN is hosting its first new member orientation on October 17 at 3 PM EST. This meeting is open to all members, however. Whether you're a new or long time member, join us to learn about and catch up on all things AFN. |
Join Our New Community of Practice |
This initiative comes at the request of several AFN members, particularly from CDFIs, who have expressed the need for a dedicated space to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by financial institutions outside traditional philanthropic or grant-oriented frameworks. As with all AFN structures, this community will focus on sharing best place-based practices within our six-state Central Appalachian footprint. Additionally, it will provide a forum for members to share opportunities, challenges, technical questions, and insights, allowing experts within the network to lend their expertise. Following Helene, this CoP is a necessary space for our CDFI members to share brain trust around the ways their organizations are responding to the need on the ground.
On October 24 at 1 PM, we are hosting a virtual community meet-up with all members of the CoP. Sign up to be added to the Finance and Impact Investing listserv today, and/or register to join the informational session by clicking the buttons below. |
Did you know that AFN no longer has a cap on how many groups you can join and participate in? Check out the upcoming group meetings below, and send us an email to have your information added to the group contact list to get involved!
- Creative Capital | November 12 at 3:30 PM
- Arts & Culture | November, TBD
Health | November 21 at 3 PM
- Place-Based - November 26 at 3:30 PM
- Energy and Natural Resources | TBD (rescheduled due to ARC conference)
*All times in EST |
We have co-chair vacancies in the Place-Based and Health Groups. If you have an interest in serving in a leaderful capacity to shape work that will radiate from the network, please contact contact us.
AFN at the Appalachian Regional Commission Conference |
This month, AFN staff traveled to Chattanooga for the Appalachian Regional Commission Conference, where AFN hosted a reception. It was great to see so many familiar faces and connect with new folks as well. We were delighted to be present at the announcement of the Ford Foundation's partnership with and AFN member REDF Impact Investing Fund (RIIF), the country’s only CDFI intermediary dedicated to employment social enterprise.
The two are joining forces to provide $6 million in new funding to locally-owned businesses in support of the Appalachian Regional Commission’s |
investment priorities to drive economic growth, create new jobs, and catalyze further investment in the region. These investments will prioritize small businesses, which employ nearly half of Appalachia’s workforce, with the goal of building wealth that stays in the local economy. You can read more about their partnership here.
Welcoming New Members: The Trust for Civic Life and Cooperative Development Fund |
AFN Treasurer and member through their Dogwood affiliation, Cory Blankenship, has transitioned into a new role. On September 30th, Corey, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, assumed the Executive Directorship of the Native American Finance Officers Association. We congratulate Corey on his new role, thank him for his service to the network, and wish him much success as he segues into this new stage of his career.
Appalachian Community Capital Spotlighted |
In a recent blog, the Ford Foundation highlighted the work of Appalachian Community Capital for its' role in constructing a sustainable and equitable future for all in Appalachia. From the article: "By supporting Appalachians who want to bring opportunities to their communities rather than leave the region to find them elsewhere, ACC recognizes that the people best able to build and revitalize communities in Appalachia are Appalachians". Check out the write up here.
Holly Fogle, Co-Founder of The Monarch Foundation |
September's Membership Spotlight goes to Holly Fogle, co-founder of new member organization, The Monarch Foundation.
Click here to read our profile on Holly, the incredible work of The Monarch Foundation's Bridge Project, and how all it all started with the influence of some church ladies on a farm girl from the OH/WV line.
Press Forward Funders Summit |
In early September, the AFN team attended the Press Forward Funders Summit in Chicago, IL. Discussion revolved around Press Forward's Four Pillars, or priority areas: Infrastructure, Sustainability, Equity, and Policy, and how each is central to the multi-pronged effort to support democracy at the local level.
While there, Ryan Eller, ED, and Jess Mullins Fullen, Programs & Learning, participated in a panel alongside representatives from the Press Forward Central Valley of California Chapter and hosted by the James B. McClatchy Foundation, a region which faces similar issues of extraction and divestment. As quoted from the panel, "journalism is the backbone of civil infrastructure, and when stories are told for, by, and of the people living them, we're all more likely to participate in their outcomes".
Press Forward Central Appalachia Coordinating Committee |
The Press Forward Coordinating Committee is hard at work on two fronts: designing the governance of the formation, which will be foundational to the Rural News Fund, and creating the RFP that will start the landscape analysis necessary to even further analyze ecosystem gaps and opportunities in the journalism sector of Central Appalachia. |
Representatives on the Coordinating Committee include: |
- Eli Flournoy, Sugarbush Valley Impact Investments & Media Growth Partners (Co-chair)
- Ryan Eller, Appalachia Funders Network (Co-chair)
- Stephanie Randolph, Cassiopeia/Purple Tiger
- Baylen Campbell, Invest Appalachia
- Betsy Whaley, Mountain Association
- Garrett Blaize, Appalachian Community Fund
- Nina Clark, Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
- Stephanie Hyre, The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
Interested in getting involved? Let us know by contacting us! |
Two of our members, and organizations born out of Appalachia Funders Network, were spotlighted this month in prominent ways. Invest Appalachia was the subject of this write-up from Forbes on their work addressing gaps and barriers to investment in the region through their blended capital approach.
We are now accepting sponsorships for this event. Please click the button below to learn more. |
What's Good In Appalachia? |
Healing Appalachia Was September 18-21 |
The mission of this event is to "produce events that help connect and grow communities of recovery and healing in Appalachia, raising funds and awareness to combat opioid addiction through a wide array of projects and programs from youth prevention, healthy lifestyles and wellness to recovery houses and recovery to work".
This event highlights a slew of Appalachian artists across genres and folk musicians from around the country. In a region where so many are working across sectors to abate, address, and reverse the effects of the opioid crisis, this event reminds us the importance of leading with joy. |
Other News That Caught Our Eye |
Do you have news or opportunities for collaboration you want to see highlighted in the next newsletter? Let us know! |
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