About Us
Members have formed six Groups to build community capacity, leverage resources into the region, advance food and agriculture systems, promote clean energy and protect natural resources, revitalize downtowns, celebrate arts, and support a culture of health.
Members recognize that the more relationships, common analysis, and vision we have, the more we can align our strategies to make lasting impact on the root-cause challenges holding back the region from greater prosperity.
Since the Network formed in 2010, we have created the space and support for relationships to grow, common analysis and vision to develop, and collaborations to form.
The Central Appalachian region is experiencing an economic transition that presents unprecedented opportunities to set a new course for our economy and communities.
The growing Appalachian Transition movement is a response to several challenges, including the decline of the coal industry as a source of employment and economic growth, a pervasive public health crisis, the undervaluing of natural resources, and prolonged under-investment in our region’s organizations, businesses, community capacity, and youth.
The Appalachian Transition is about overcoming these challenges by capitalizing on the current vision and leadership across the region.
The Transition movement is gaining traction as it pulls in a diverse and growing coalition of actors who share a common vision: a region of healthy communities and locally-rooted economies that promote sustainable and broadly-shared prosperity.
While the momentum towards a new path forward is strong, we recognize that the change we envision will take long-term partnerships, shared leadership, and sustained investments to be fully realized. We are excited to use the Appalachia Funders Network as a vehicle to help funders deepen their analysis, build constructive relationships, and make strategic investments that strengthen our communities and economy for a lasting transition.
Accelerate a just Appalachian transition by convening and connecting funders for learning, analysis, and collaboration.
We envision a healthy, equitable, and vibrant region that, through strong partnerships, civic engagement, and leadership, preserves our unique assets and provides prosperity for all.
Build Relationships & Trust Among Appalachia Funders. Network members have relationships & trust, leading to consistent communication, mutual support, and collaborative partnerships.
Facilitate Common Understanding, Analysis, & Vision. Network members are working from a common analysis, shared vision, and collectively defined set of promising practices to accelerate the Appalachian transition.
Foster Cross-Sector Connections & Collaborations. Network members are collaborating across public, private, and nonprofit sectors to solve complex problems and accelerate large scale change.
Align Existing Resources & Leverage New Investments. Network members are working together to coordinate local and regional grantmaking while leveraging outside investments and support for the Appalachian transition.
Support Network Leadership & Network Structure. The network has the leadership, structure, and capacity to advance its goals.
guiding principles
The Network upholds the following guiding principles in our work:
Foster cross-sector partnerships, civic engagement, and leadership.
Advocate for long-term, strategic investments.
Include practitioners in the work to learn, analyze, and develop strategies for the region.
Maximize resources for the region and not the Network.
Promote inclusion and diversity.
Cultivate trust, transparency, and accountability.